Thibaud Boncourt est Maître de conférences au CESSP. Il a auparavant été Max Weber Fellow à l’Institut Universitaire Européen de Florence (2013-2014), post-doctorant CNRS au CESSP (2014-2016) et Junior Fellow à l’Instute for Advanced Study de la Central European University à Budapest (IAS CEU, oct.-déc. 2016). Sa thèse, soutenue en 2011 à l’Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Bordeaux, porte sur l’histoire de la science politique après la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Il travaille principalement sur l’histoire et la sociologie des sciences, les relations savoirs / pouvoirs (e.g. développement des sciences sociales pendant la Guerre froide, politisation des savants) et les dynamiques d’internationalisation (des professions, des carrières et des savoirs). Des informations plus détaillées (publications, etc.) se trouvent sur son site personnel.

Thibaud Boncourt is an Associate Professor at CESSP. He previously worked as a Max Weber Fellows at the European University Institute in Florence (2013-2014), a CNRS post-doctoral fellow at CESSP (2014-2016), and a Junior Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Study, Central European University, Budapest (IAS CEU, Oct.-Dec. 2016). He completed his PhD in 2011 at the Institute of Political Studies of Bordeaux, with a thesis devoted to the post-war history of political science. He mainly works on the history and sociology of science, the relationships between knowledge and power (e.g. the development of the social sciences during the Cold War, the politicisation of scientists, etc.) and internationalisation dynamics (internationalisation of professions, careers and ideas). Please see his personal website for more information on publications, etc.

Articles in peer-reviewed journals

  • (with Marielle Debos, Mathias Delori, Benoit Pelopidas, Christophe Wasinski) "Que faire des interventions militaires dans le champ académique ? Réflexions sur la nécessaire distinction entre expertise et savoir scientifique", 20 & 21. Revue d’histoire, forthcoming.
  • ’Les sciences sociales européennes font-elles l’Europe ? L’Institut Universitaire Européen, le béhavioralisme et la légitimation de l’intégration européenne’, Revue française de science politique, 69(1), 2019, p. 47-74.
  • ’The struggles for European science. A comparative perspective on the history of European social science associations’, Serendipities. Journal for the sociology and history of the social sciences, 2(1), 2017, p. 10-32.
  • (with Oriane Calligaro) ’Legitimising Europe with the social sciences and humanities ? The European University Institute and the European integration project (1976-1986)’, Serendipities, 2(1), 2017, p. 69-89.
  • (with Johan Heilbron, Gisèle Sapiro, Gustavo Sorá, Victor Karady, Thomas Brisson, Laurent Jeanpierre, Kil-Ho Lee), "Indicators of the internationalization of the social sciences and humanities", Serendipities, 2(1), 2017, p. 131-147.
  • (with Johan Heilbron and Rob Timans) "Understanding the Social Sciences and Humanities in Europe", Serendipities, 2(1), 2017, p. 1-9.


  • Where Sciences Come From. Power, Politics, and the Development of European Political Science, London, Palgrave Macmillan, forthcoming in 2020.

Edited books, journal special issues and symposiums

  • (with Isabelle Engeli and Diego Garzia, eds.), European political science at 50 (working title), Lanham, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, forthcoming in 2020.
  • (with Johan Heilbron and Gustavo Sora, eds.), The social and human sciences in global power relations, London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018.
  • ’Adcock : Liberalism and political science’, symposium, Serendipities, 2(2), 2017, p. 237-256.
  • (with Johan Heilbron et Rob Timans, eds.), "European integration and the social sciences and humanities", special issue, Serendipities, 2(1), 2017, p. 1-147.

Book chapters

  • (with Johan Heilbron and Rob Timans) "The European Research Area in the social and human sciences : between national closure and American hegemony", in J. Heilbron, G. Sora, T. Boncourt (eds.), The social and human sciences in global power relations, London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, p. 153-181.
  • ’What “Internationalization” Means in the Social Sciences. A Comparison of the International Political Science and Sociology Associations’, in J. Heilbron, G. Sora, T. Boncourt (eds.), The social and human sciences in global power relations, London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, p. 95-123.

Publications récentes

  • Les sens du vote

    Les sens du vote Une enquête sociologique (France 2011-2014) SPEL (collectif Sociologie politique des élections) Paris, PUR, Collection : Res Publica, 2016
    Que savons-nous (…)

Publications dans HAL

15 résultats

Article dans une revue

Thibaud Boncourt, Jean-Vincent Holeindre, Jean Joana, Nonna Mayer

Political Science Communities Challenged by Internationalisation. The Case of France


Article dans une revue

Thibaud Boncourt, Pierre-Louis Six

La science politique est-elle une affaire politique~?


Article dans une revue

Thibaud Boncourt

What next for the studies of Political Science as a discipline? A tentative research agenda


Article dans une revue

Thibaud Boncourt, Paulo Ravecca

Power, Politics and the Development of Political Science in the Americas Introduction to the Special Issue


Article dans une revue

Thibaud Boncourt

[CR de lecture] - Fabrice Larat, Michel Mangenot et Sylvain Schirmann (dir.), Les études européennes Genèses et institutionnalisation , Paris, L’Harmattan, 2018, 646 pages.


Article dans une revue

Thibaud Boncourt, Marielle Debos, Mathias Delori, Benoît Pelopidas, Christophe Wasinski

What to make of military interventions in academia? Reflections on the necessary distinction between expert and scientific knowledge


Chapitre d'ouvrage

Thibaud Boncourt, Isabelle Engeli, Diego Garzia

Fifty years of political science in Europe: an introduction


type pub BLOG

Marielle Debos, Mathias Delori, Christophe Wasinski, Thibaud Boncourt

French social sciences go khaki under increasing military influence. Open Democracy


Article dans une revue

Thibaud Boncourt

Have European social sciences helped to create Europe?


type pub BLOG

Coton Christel, Raphaëlle Branche, Marielle Debos, Sylvain Laurens, Chowra Makaremi, Christophe Wasinski, Thibaud Boncourt, Mathias Delori

Pour des recherches sur la guerre indépendantes